Interlachen HOA – 2021 Board Meeting Minutes – March
Date, Time, and Location: March 9,2021, 6:30 p.m. via Zoom
Meeting called to order by President Mike Vest at 6:37 p.m.
Attendance: Mike Vest, Kevin Morrow, Debbie Weaver, Matt Williams, Lynn Godat, Tom Burns, Cathie Smits
Guests – None
Excused: Roxanne Redwine-Baker, Jerry Mylet
Minutes: Prior meeting minutes for February were approved.
Ran the meeting and presented the agenda.
A quorum was present.
He spoke with Erika about social and she would like to hold off on participation.
Mike asked for feedback on how to go about the annual meeting. Tom recommended that we do the meeting on zoom. Matt asked that we do both an in person and live stream. Debbie recommended that we move the meeting to May. A motion was made by Tom to move the meeting to the first week of June but to communicate to the Blue Lake community about the Solar Bee replacement and maintenance agreement.
The solar bee water circulators need to be discussed at the annual meeting. They have been repaired and Mike has been in contact with the owner of the maintenance company. They offered to replace 3 refurbished units for no cost if we sign an annual maintenance agreement.
Tom proposed an informational meeting on the solar bees where Mike dictates that meeting. That will be explored for a survey to follow.
VICE PRESIDENT, Jerry Mylet: (Absent)
No report.
SECRETARY, Matt Williams:
Presented an updated letter to Realtors as a welcome letter. Matt Motioned that it be adopted and delivered to the incoming brokers. The motion was seconded and passed. This will be posted to the website and put into dropbox.
TREASURER, Roxanne Redwine-Baker: Financials for month submitted and approved.
Tree limbs overhanging the street light and 20721 that needs to be trimmed. Tom is getting bids. Matt is going to email Tom another tree guy.
Requiring HOA for incoming homeowners moving forward and the ability to lien the property for services provided by HOA should be considered and will be an agenda item in April.
Kevin confirmed that we have paperwork coming in for boat registrations.
The water levels are good.
MEMBERSHIP COMMISSIONERS, Lynn Godat. (Absent), Cathie Smits (Absent)
Cathie was able to connect with the new neighbor at 20110 and she is remodeling but may be a great contribution to the neighborhood.
21026 is also available to visit.
MCDD has been petitioned by FLOPA to allow the lake to remain full all year. That may cost up to $60,000 to do a study on it so a decision is still pending. The lake is used as flood control so there may be some unintentional implications.